26 August 2007

In Munich

My brother's suggestion for this post title was "lol rofl rofl ich bin en deutschland :)" which I think is ultimately more evocative of how crazy I feel just about now. Will post more later-- flight went okay, but it was one of those times where I ended up feeling so hateful-- to the girl sitting next to me who was able to sleep the entire time, to the boys behind me who talked for two hours straight about how dumb Americans are (one of them had apparently visited my hometown, so hey, I can't really argue-- but still!), and of course to the baby who was screeching and the old woman glaring at it. Whew.

I think the Paris flight will be more exciting.

1 comment:

blergh said...

also, tja, noch 7 cm bis zur mudkippen.

you should visit my uncle and my cousins.